Thursday, July 5, 2012

A beautiful view!

The morning began with a torrential rainstorm.  The wind blew so hard that I actually slept with my arms over my head thinking that the wind might send the roof tumbling down on me.  But by the time I woke up (6:30), the sun was out and the sky was clear- the perfect hiking weather.

By 8:00am Nereyda, Marisol (another administrator here at the library) and I were on a Rapibus heading towards a town on an opposite site of the valley.  We literally took the bus from start to finish.  Oscar, a computer and English teacher at the library, met us where the bus route ended.  From there he guided us on a 4 hour hike around the mountain tops that surround Matagalpa.  The hike was almost entirely vertical.  My legs are beginning to tremble again just thinking about it.

Though difficult, it was worth every second.  The views were breathtaking and the wildlife and vegetation unbelievable.  We encountered a ton of creatures including giant toads, lizards, crabs, bright blue butterflies, birds of every size and color as well as a plant that literally wilts when you touch it (some kind of defense mechanism).  After viewing Matagalpa from afar, I have a bit better understanding for what the layout looks like, as well as where La Chispa (my neighborhood) is located in relation.


  1. That is the coolest plant!! I have a video of the first time I touched it. Love the pictures and the blog! The hike looks beautiful!

  2. Sam! Love the blog. Love you.

  3. all this photography is amazing lady!!!
